The Hard Work

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

"Today I am fortunate to have woken up. 
I am alive. I have a precious human life. I am not going to waste it. 
I am going to use
all my energies to develop myself,
to expand my heart out to others,
to achieve enlightenment for
the benefit of all beings
I am going to have
kind thoughts towards others.
I am not going to get angry,
or think badly of others.
I am going to benefit others
as much as I can."
~ Dalai Lama

Where to begin.

I have been living in a place of suffering. Suffering from depression, a ferocious inner-critic, lack of self-esteem, self-love and self-compassion. I'm attempting to pull myself out. The work is difficult. The rawness and realness of sitting with your own pain and not reaching for something to mask it, choosing to face it rather than ignore it is exhausting work. How does the saying go? Any worth doing takes hard work....

Suffering = Self destructive 

I'm ready to do the work, the hard work...

Breathing in - Breathing out - Repeat

Authenticity, Vulnerability, Perfectionism & The Art of Being Real

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A month has passed, the glow of sharing the creation of my blog has waned, and in its place a cloud shaded in post-partum vulnerability. I have been writing and re-writing, starting - stopping and not quite finishing a single post. During this process I came across a few self-realizations.

#1 – I have a deep desire to express my own authentic voice but, didn’t know if I could find it

#2 – I feel vulnerable when sharing things I am passionate about, for fear of rejection

#3 – I thought I had to be perfect, then I found out perfect doesn’t exist

There are so many people that I derive strength and inspiration from; some of these talents I have the pleasure of personally knowing and interacting with, while others are people that share their work through blog, books, and or public speaking. These beautiful humans are like shiny, sparkly stars, lighting up the world with their gifts. When I would attempt to write a post, I felt my voice was not my own as I was attempting to emulate the voices I had been recently inspired by. I also started to play a dangerous and ineffectual game called, “the shame and comparison game”. Internally, peppering myself with questions such as; How could I ever put out into the world such moving and prolific gems as these people? What difference could I make? Who could I inspire? Who would connect with what I had to say? With the influence and abundance of the creative minds around me, I was left unsure and unknowing of what my own authentic voice would sound like and if it would be accepted, listened to, and received in the way I desired. My “Ah-Ha” moment came to me after drawing upon one such inspirational source. In The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are - Brene Brown says, “Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” – This, dear readers, I promise you – What I share, what I write, what I post; will be transparent, honest, and real and come straight from my heart.

This realness, this idea of sharing and opening yourself to others is an area where I feel vulnerable. Exposing yourself and wondering if it will be accepted is difficult. From this thought process I derived two takeaways. First, accepting and loving your-self is first and foremost. It is nice to be accepted by others but, not necessary. Second, Do Hard Things. Hard things are worthy of our attention and pursuit. When we confront what is challenging for us we become courageous and strong, we open ourselves to experiences that allow us to grow and shape your character and sense of person-hood.

I have been working on letting go of the idea of perfect. There are moments of blissful release when I am able to let go of the idea of perfection and who, what, where I should be. These moments become more and more frequent the more I cultivate a kind and thoughtful internal dialogue. I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for the moment, for who I am and where I am. This is my work, well a piece of it anyway…Funny how a person’s work can be, not to work, to cease poking and prodding and finding ways in which “if I just tweaked this or manipulated this I would be just one step closer to perfect”. I want to leave you with one more quote by the lovely Brene Brown from the same book (she is really speaking to me right now), “Perfectionism is a self-destructive and addictive belief system that fuels this primary thought: If I look perfect, and do everything perfectly, I can avoid or minimize the painful feelings of shame, judgment, and blame.” – Ouch, right?! Striving, reaching for, and attaining goals are a natural and beautiful practice and helps us grow. Perfectionism is debilitating and quite frankly, I think it is an illusory non-existent myth.

I know this is sensitive subject matter but, please feel free to comment and open dialogue on any of these subjects.

Thanks for reading

Love and Light,

Terra B.

Launching - The Growth of Good

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Hi! My name is Terra and this is my first blog, first official post ever - Let the adventure begin! The Growth of Good is focused on growing good from the inside out. A place I come to share recipes, my joy for movement, and life’s lessons I learn along the way. I am passionate about good for you food and an avid supporter of locally grown. I’ve dabbled with all kinds of diets; veganism, vegetarianism to the polar opposite Paleo. What I found works for me is a mostly plant based diet including wild/organic/grass-fed proteins on a not so frequent basis. I like to eat clean as much as possible but, sometimes a girl just has to have a good Pinot and dark chocolate. I believe moving your body is just as important as what you put into your body. A Daily practice of movement; whether it’s running, yoga, Cross Fit (or whatever you choose) it is good for the body and mind. I travel for work rotationally every two weeks which takes me to the cusp of the Arctic Ocean in Prudhoe Bay, AK where I manage letters, numbers and documents and put them in their place. The two weeks I’m not working I travel, cook, read and write. No matter where I am at I try to practice gratitude, grow and do good things. The Growth of Good is the place this gypsy calls home. – Welcome!
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